Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sick in Salta

I got up and staggered to the loo block. Vomit and diarrhoea, I just wasn't sure which one first. This was every bit as bad as the case in France in Falaise.

I prefer a bit of privacy when I'm this ill and at that hour those loos are deserted, so I went a few more times.
During the day, I felt absolutely awful. I don't think I've ever felt worse. Even drinking water was hard to manage.I could barely move and I suspect I had barely a mineral salt left in me. Not being able to drink even water made me decide to take the immodium and a couple of sachets of rehydration mix.

Some hours later (and 3 more immodium and 4 sachets of dioralyte later) I began to feel bearable again. Not well but I could move. The short walk to the loo block was almost unbearable, but since the alternative is to poo right here, I did it. I could only move extremely slowly, I was so weak.

Over time, I eventually managed to have enough water to pee (excellent) so it being urgent I faced the squat loo. That was a mistake as I made a mess on the floor for facing the wrong way. Then I discovered the flush wasn't working but fortunately I'd been taking in a water bottle for clean ups (so much better than loo paper, which we didn't have anyway) so I managed to get the loo back into a usable condition.

Also, fortunately the afternoon has been cloudy, windy and overall much cooler than morning and previous days. I've been running a temperature, but not suffered from overheating in the sun today.

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